The theme of National Stress Awareness Day focuses on employee wellbeing. According to Live It Well, 1 in 6 British workers are affected by conditions such as anxiety, depression and stress each year. Thi can therefore have a significant effect on the workplace and employees, however there are ways to reduce stress and with the correct knowledge, you can support colleagues through this. 

Manage Your Time

Day-to-day we waste a lot of our time starting tasks and not finishing them, especially when we are stressed. In order to complete tasks effectively, prioritise your work load by writing lists and completing the most important task first. Unimportant tasks can wait, and often they will become non-priority leaving you time to complete other important things. Try not to put off time consuming tasks – avoidance can cause a great deal of stress. Once the unpleasant tasks are ticked off you will feel much more positive.

Healthy Lifestyle

Remember to eat a healthy diet, exercise regularly and ensure you get a good night’s sleep. Engaging in some form of physical activity can dramatically improve your stress levels. You can also relax in many different ways, whether it’s seeing friends, reading or going to the cinema. Taking your mind fully off work can really help to reduce stress.

Know Your Limitations

We’re all guilty of taking on too much as we don’t want to let people down. We can often think it seems weak to ask for help or to say ‘No’ to things. Instead, learn to delegate effectively and be assertive without upsetting and offending of course.

Don’t Be Negative

Avoid being negative. Instead look for a resolution to a dispute where both parties can achieve a positive outcome. Talk about problems and find out what the root cause is. This is the first step to solving conflict. Invest time in making things right and look for win – win situations.


Take the necessary time out to relax. Taking just a regular short break at work will allow you to feel much more positive and relaxed. Alongside this, remember to take your annual leave throughout the year. That way you get a regular break. Often we tend to worry about work piling up while we are away, however put your out of office on and let people know you are unavailable.

Positive thinking

If you have identified that something is concerning you, try and see it in a different light. Talk over your problem with somebody before it gets out of proportion. Often someone else’s opinion and advice will help you to see things from a less stressful perspective.

Try to avoid...

alcohol, nicotine and caffeine. Short term, they may help, but long term, these are faulty coping mechanisms that will just add to the problem. Caffeine and nicotine are both stimulants – too much and the body reacts to this with the stress response, therefore increasing anxiety. Try to substitute or even reduce the amount you have, this will begin to have a positive effect.
